Artera Technology Service Center Knowledge Base
If a user was terminated and their boss wants their entire one Drive to be able to access and see their files.
How to share an entire One Drive with another user
M365 admin portal, Both users needs E3 or F3 license, Managers approval.
This is how someone at the TSC can share an entire One Drive with another user. The sender user will need an F3/E3 and the receiver will need a E3. The steps on how to share it are shown below. In the event the user only needs one file/folder you can do it from the user account itself but if they are terminated you will get to step 4 and click on the folder you want to share press the 3 dots and share it to the user.
Step-by-Step Instructions
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Step 1: Open up M365 Admin Center and search on the user name. The user will need E3 or F3 license in order to see the One Drive option for the User.
Step 2: After clicking on the users name go over to the One Drive Section. This can only be opened if the user has E3 or F3 license still on their AD account. Then click on the “Create link to Files” option and the output will be a link.
Step 3: Shown below is the link copy the link into a web browser.
Step 4: After opening up the URL in the web browser you should see all the users files then on the top right corner click on the setting icon. Then click on “OneDrive Settings”.
Step5: On the settings page click on “More Settings” the “Site collection administrators”.
Step6:Add the name of the user you would like to share the entire One Drive to.
Step7: Send the link you copied to user to see if they can access it after adding their name.
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Issue 1: [How do I share one file not entire thing]
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